Friday, December 1, 2006

Borders Books: Unfair and Biased

One of the my favorite places to hang out is the Borders Books in Friendship Heights. I have gone there several times and in their political section their end caps (the end part of the isle) all of their books where not just liberal but crazy anti-conservative. Books like "Worse than Watergate" "Theocons" "Fiasco" there were around 12 books and all anti-conservative. I have been in the store several times and the outcome is always the same.

I went up to the manager and asked do you have a bias that you are trying to push? He disagreed that they did but they were just trying to promote the books that were selling and crazy anti-conservative sell well in blue state Maryland. If I wanted a bookstore with a conservative bias you should go south to Virginia.

I don't think that they should stop selling or promoting anti-conservative books what i did think that the should have is to be like Fox News be "Fair and Balanced." Its hard for me to believe that there isn't a bias (whether intentional or unintentional) when all the books that they prominently display have a decidedly anti-conservative and far left slant.

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