Thursday, December 7, 2006

Open Source Spying

Just read a good article on spying and intelligence. The cold war was about to lumbering bureaucracies. The bureaucracies moved slow and mutually assured destruction kept each country from destroying each other. The last line of the article is a great one “Fifteen years ago we were fighting the Soviet Union,” he said. “Who knew it would be replicated today in the intelligence community?”

In the information age our enemies do not communicate through hierarchies like the Soviet Union. They communicate, share and plan attacks using little or capital. One terrorist or 20 terrorists thinking alone was not enough to outsmart the the thousands of security professionals working to protect the United States. A Million terrorists planning, sharing, and communicating information and were able to outsmart security defenses. To terrorize the United States an individual doesn't need a billion dollars to build a nuclear weapon they just need to utilize the wisdom of crowds.

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