Friday, December 1, 2006

Dumpster Diving

Well the Congressmen that weren't reelected have to leave to day and that means one thing .. dumpster diving. I can't believe some of the things that people throw out. I got a laptop bag with the House of Representatives Seal on it cups books all kind of things.

I also have a 10 copies of Ronald Reagan Memorial Tribute books. The books are gorgeous a black cover with gold lettering and the Congressional seal. They were going to toss them when I saved them from being landfill. I e-mailed the ward on the list serve and there were a few takers. Considering the hassle of transporting the books and that they are rare and quite valuable I am going to sell them.

The former Republican offices are now empty and the plaques on the door are gone. Things are a lot lonelier here for the GOP.

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